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A 2011-ben Toulouse közelében alapított céget mély meggyőződésünk az (és mindig is az volt), hogy jobb megjavítani, mint kidobni.
Küldetésünk: egyszerűbbé tegyük a javítást, mint az új vásárlását! Más szóval, mindenki számára lehetővé akarjuk tenni, hogy meghosszabbítsa kerti és barkácsgépeinek élettartamát, és az ökológiai átmenet szereplőjévé váljon.
A javítás egy új készülék gyártásának késleltetését jelenti, és így elkerülhető a CO2-kibocsátás. Az ADEME szerint naponta 7600 kasza tönkremegy. Ebből a 7600 kaszából naponta 3000-et kidobnak.
A franciák 80%-a támogatja a javítást, de csak a fele javítja meg szerszámait, ha elromlik! Miért? Számos akadály miatt, amelyeket három tevékenységünkön keresztül igyekszünk eltávolítani.
Önjavítás: bárki javíthatja, feltéve, hogy megfelelő támogatást kap. Webhelyünk több mint 30 000 alkatrészreferenciát, valamint számos cikket és videót kínál, amelyek segítenek a diagnózisban és a javításban.
Javítás: mindazoknak, akik nem tudnak vagy nem akarnak maguk javítani, köszönhetően Franciaország szerte 200 jóváhagyott javítóműhelyből álló hálózatunknak.
Újrahasználat: ha a javítás gazdasági okokból vagy alkatrészhiány miatt lehetetlen, ezeket a szerszámokat összegyűjtjük, és új életet adunk nekik.
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Swap is THE site specializing in spare parts par excellence. We always have the garden piece or the tool piece you need. Whatever the garden or DIY tool and whatever its brand, a set of spare parts is intended for it.
Swap offers a catalog of more than 30,000 references from more than 300 professional brands. You will find in the wide choice of parts offered by Swap, parts Husqvarna , Briggs & Stratton, Black & Decker, MTD, Viking, Massey-ferguson, John Deere and many more brands! Our parts are compatible with a large number of garden and DIY tools to prolong their life.
We provide you with original spare parts compatible with your recreational and DIY garden equipment. Riding mower part, blower part, tiller part or lawn mower part, we necessarily have in our catalog the part you need. In our eshop specializing in the sale of spare parts, you can get new parts that are suitable and compatible with your tool. Simply enter the brand or reference of your agricultural equipment, and let our search engine do the rest! Once selected, the purchase of the part is done in a few clicks. Payment is secure. We ship 24 / 48h to home or relay point. Fast delivery at the best prices. At Swap, you even have the right to make mistakes. Have you selected a mower part instead of a chainsaw part? Simply return your part within 14 days of delivery.
At Swap, the tiller piece at the edge cutter, with the choice of products, you will find the part you need. Discover our range of parts that covers most of your saw blade, jigsaw blade, circular saw blade needs. But not only ! Our site is not limited to the sale of parts, it helps repair and offers quality services. Our team of professionals is made up of real experts. They support you from the installation of equipment (s) at home to its maintenance, including the diagnosis of possible faults and the identification of the defective part as well as its replacement and repairs. Do not hesitate to call on our services for the installation of equipment such as the installation of a robotic lawnmower or for the winter maintenance of your gardening tools. Winter maintenance extends the life of your tools. It will always be more economical to change a garden part such as a mower spare part, a mower tractor part or a mower tractor battery than to replace the machine itself. Because household and green space equipment such as robotic mowers need to be perfectly positioned to provide perfect lawn mowing, Swap offers you to install them to ensure their longevity and performance An installation guaranteed by Swap, c 'is also to benefit from advice, diagnostics or use on equipment or on spare parts for garden machinery. How to charge a tractor mower battery, how to change a chainsaw chain or a circular saw blade, the Swap experts install and give you the keys to make your installations last a long time! Warning ! Professionals and individuals alike, the winter maintenance of your thermal tools is essential in order to find a machine in perfect working order when the weather is fine! Here again, Swap offers original mower spare parts Husqvarna spare parts, Black and Decker spare parts, and any mower part necessary for the proper functioning of your machine. Opting for repair means refusing to buy new and fighting against global warming. It will always be more economical and more ecological to change a part than to change the entire device. The future is in repair! In a few clicks, come find the part (s) needed to repair your equipment. Generic adaptable or branded garden part (Husqvarna parts, Briggs & Stratton parts, Black & Decker parts, etc…)
Spare parts? Giving life and giving back meaning At Swap, we offer you a very large catalog of spare parts and accessories for maintenance and repair to extend the life of your device, or even to give it a new existence. Motoculture spare parts of course, but not only. We offer more than 30,000 references compatible and adaptable with your DIY tools and home appliances. We have more than 30,000 good reasons to please.
At Swap, we believe that we all have a role to play in preserving our homes and gardens. And we are also aware of the fears that repairing a mower or chainsaw can cause. How to change a chainsaw chain, a Stihl chainsaw chain for example. Is it the same as any other chain saw? To awaken your repair skills, we have created a blog in which we share all these questions through our articles. We all learned to change a light bulb in the living room, we can all learn how to replace a circular saw blade, a jigsaw blade or even a Briggs and Stratton carburetor. The original chainsaw part or circular saw blade that will scare you has not yet left its production line!
What is Swap? Swap technicians explain… The swap e-shop is above all the story of our employees, DIY and garden enthusiasts who are fed up with knowing that each year, in France, an average of 3000 mowers are thrown away every day. that for the most part, a simple repair of less than 30 € would be enough to put them back in operation. Maintaining your garden at a lower cost is also that, Swap! Fred, mower room expert: For me, the goal is to make repairing a habit. This is to reassure the consumer that buying a mower tractor part or a mower mower battery will always be much more advantageous and as efficient as changing the entire tractor. It requires pedagogy. We know that garden equipment can be fragile. Whether it is border trimmers, hedge trimmers, but also tillers or pruners, these garden equipment are regularly subjected to shocks. When the owner of a mower announces to me that the engine of his machine is dead, I will start by explaining to him how an engine works, that an out of service engine, it often means that one or more original parts are worn. and probably needs to be changed. I orient them according to the brand of their engine or their mower, Briggs and Stratton spare parts, husqvarna spare parts. I reassure them. Facilitating access to repair, and for my part, to garden parts, also means moving towards more responsible consumption patterns. And that, yes, that is close to my heart… ”
Michel, expert in the garden equipment: We thought for a long time that the repair of a briggs & stratton engine or an mtd chainsaw was exclusively reserved for professionals. Yet we all have garden or DIY tools at home. At Swap, we do everything to make repairing a habit. And our role is to make sure that with our wide range of parts, replacing a circular saw blade, jigsaw blade or Briggs and Stratton carburetor is no longer a barrier for anyone. Equipment repair should not be confined to an activity for professionals. Today, a gardener must be able to change his engine oil at the same time as the oil filter, replace the nylon line or the cutting housing of his brushcutter mower
Juliette, customer service: For me the story that sums up our time, it is this client who contacted us at the beginning of the year. He was disappointed and furious with his mower and even more with the brand. He wanted to abandon the first one at the back of the garage, even if it meant buying a second. We took the time to discuss. To understand how he used his mower. At what frequency. What was the nature and area of ??his garden. I directed him to mower spare parts intended for cutting. He ordered his pieces. A few weeks passed and I received an email from the same person. She thanked me for the advice, the parts had arrived and her mower mowed impeccably. More importantly, this person asked me if Swap also sells Husqvarna parts and a chain saw sharpener. There, I said to myself: Yes! Mission accomplished ! "
We offer you the list of questions or faults most frequently asked by Swap users: Faults on mower (petrol mower, electric mower , tractor mower, robotic mower) • My mower does not start • My mower starts and stalls • How to change the transmission belt of my tractor mower • Where is the problem with the engine speed of my mower • How to repair the hydrostatic transmission of my mower
Breakdowns on chainsaw (petrol chainsaw, electric chainsaw, cordless chainsaw) • How to adjust the carburetor of my chainsaw • Can a chainsaw chain be indestructible? • My chainsaw will not start • How do I test my chainsaw ignition coil? • How do I change my chainsaw chain?
Hedge trimmer / brush cutter breakdowns • How to sharpen a hedge trimmer • How to sharpen a hedge trimmer • Sharpen a hedge trimmer: what technique • My brush cutter does not start • What fuel for my petrol brush cutter
Swap is a wide choice of spare parts for all garden tools: brush cutter, hedge trimmer, tractor mower, chainsaw, pruner, edger, tiller, scarifier, splitter, two-wheel tractor, as well as for the various models lawn mower on the market: ride on mower, petrol mower, robot mower, electric mower ...
In doubt or need help to find the right chain saw oil for your tool? Take advantage of the 10 years of expertise of our Swap professionals and contact us at
Avis du 13/03/2025, suite à une expérience du 28/02/2025 par DANIEL G